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Dark Age of Light

4.19/5 (481 votes)
Downloads : 61610
donwloadUploaded on 19/11/01
In a world of steel and energy, where all natural life has given way to the progress of a new synthetic world, only a select few know of the true motivations behind the massive technology evolution.
Dark Age of Light - Episode 01 is the first in a series of 3D Animation, science-fiction short films created by Tom Taylor.
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Andy on 25 March 2007
GREAT!!!!! THE bestshort animation i have ever seen 150%
entity on 13 November 2003
I'm hooked on this have a fantastic story there and the animation tells the story perfectly. DAOL is probably the best finished work I've seen...very entertaining- and now I've waited a long time before asking for episode-2 ---I want to see what happens next!
It's just BRILLIANT!!!!
I can appreciate when someone does make his masterpiece!
Keep it up!
jackseay on 7 November 2003
I just spent all night watching animations I have downloaded. This is the first one that so blew me away I just had to give it a rating. The highest. This kind of work could hold it's own in any theatre. Fantastic job. The work of a true artist who also knows how to grab and hold attention.
Bash on 4 November 2003
Episode one animation is truly unmatched. There is a lot of effort put into this work; the impact on each and every one who saw it is obvious and stands as a testimony to your hard work and keen attention to details.

When is episode 2 coming out??
Cj on 31 August 2003
like it every time i see it. its the best one ive ever downloaded... looking forward to "the third phase"
Nausher on 17 May 2003
I like any thing new but, If I see it twice then I pick the hell out it. So here it goes my first run of the flick was great can't get any better. Then second run of the flick saw a few editing qurps and story line jumbles. Hell its just a damn fine piece of work. Part 2 comes out when?
Captain Storm on 23 October 2002
Please oh please hurry up with episode 2!
twixter on 18 September 2002
An intense rush for this sci fi junkie. I tend to agree with Calman that as a stand-alone work it gets a bit vague, but as the first episode it is truly awesome. I'm hooked! I can't wait for episode two!
mark on 14 August 2002
Being a sci-fi fan, Dark Age of Light took me by surprise. The resolution on a PocketPC is not that great, but the looks and feel of this 3D animated story are just great. Give me more !
SHYGUY on 27 June 2002
absolutly fabulous.
Cant whait for the next episode. As far as I'm concerned it as well be several episodes to come.
Ruiner on 12 April 2002
Very very nice work... ive seen a lot of cg in my time and work, but this is definately one of the best. I felt that the color and mood of it all was very drab as compared to many others ive seen, but the work that went into the audio and maintaining a storyline, pushes it beyond the others... great job!! cant wait to see more.
Skepy on 31 March 2002
it is a very cool anime video andi was wondering when will the 2nd episod come???
Ginja Ninja on 22 March 2002
Do the Words

The Best Story I have ever seen in a 3D Short Clip Ever

Really do it justice

I dont think so

Tom U Da Man!

Peacock on 13 February 2002
It' s a FUTURE !!!!!!! on 17 January 2002
Impressive work, especially because I am a 3D artist myself, and this would take me FOREVER to make, and it wouldnt be nearly as awesome.

Overall, a very impressive piece of work.
Reservoir Dawg on 15 January 2002
This is simply breathtaking, astonishing and amazing!!! I know what it takes to acommplish something of this magnatude, and that almost did it alone is even more amazing!! Mark me down for a 10!!!

I will keep coming back again and again to check for updates and for part 2!!
IronHide on 12 January 2002
Wow! This movie really does rock! The story is a little disjointed, but really good anyway. keep up the damn fine work.
Calman on 7 January 2002
The Animation and concept i must admit were superb. But come on the story is just to vague. The cutting in the scenes it feels so incomplete. Sure i love the effects and the general story that obviously has something to do with a coming attack or downfall but its just too fragmented. Mabey as it progresses it will look better. I love the animation and it looks great as a show piece to just watch with you anywhere on your Pocket PC. If what you were going for was to catch us on for the next episode it definatley did that.
DiGiTa|_ on 4 January 2002
I'm very impressed, this short movie is fabulous. Nice work..
eryxon on 11 December 2001
This is Really a good work in 3d animation. The garphics are so detailed and shows how good can be the work in computing animation. Really, stuning.

When wil we have the second part?
Wachaa on 1 December 2001
The #1 movie of the year!!!
Stop reading this and download it to see for yourself.
ICEDREAM on 29 November 2001
This is by far the best 3D animation I have ever seen, it tops the Killer Bean! It is worth downloading and using to show your friends the movie capabilities of the pocket pc!!!
w13rdo on 29 November 2001
Very nice film. And having it as a pocket film is "catchy"...applause, applause...I'm all, hey, check this out, on the bus...much fun...
hirambc on 25 November 2001
This incredible saga clearly demonstrates the power and will of one and the determination of 7 years of hard work of Tom Taylor, I am agree that this should go to the theaters.
Daredevil on 24 November 2001
Incredible! Well worth the long download.

This just blew me away...absolutely superb!
starlord167 on 23 November 2001
Absolutely bloody amazing!This is on a par with Final Fantasy,and no shit...!
PJS@oz on 23 November 2001
Outstanding! I thought that Tripping The Rift was very good, but this is excellent. I am now hooked on futher installments.
Danni on 23 November 2001
Simply the best I`ve ever seen in 3D Animation.
Now you have one more Fan in Germany.
RC Dace on 22 November 2001
This Has to be the best movie i have had the pleasure of enjoying. Thank you very much and i must admit i'm antisapating a very good second part to this awsome movie please, please, please release the second part A,S,A,P

Thank you for this great short film.

looking foward to enjoy you're talent's in the future.

Rich Castellano
OrGaZmIc on 22 November 2001
NOWW THAT was a freakin good animation...amazing....if there any word bigger then incredible i would use it.
which program did u use?
Krakath on 21 November 2001
This is amazing! I recommend everyone to download and watch this.

BTW, the FAQ on his site mentions he made it mainly using lightwave and adobe aftereffects
Barney on 20 November 2001
I have one advice...Download it!!! This is a master piece of 3D animation.
David on 20 November 2001
The Pilot it's incredible. I can´t believe you can handle this huge amount of work, and you get this great result. That's why my vote is 10. There are errors, of course, but I can see how you improve your skills. I think you have to work in facial and character animation but I can´t wait to see the next chapter.


P.D Excuse my poor English
Morkai on 19 November 2001
MAN, this is definitly NOT just a Pocket Movie!!!
It is an extremly smooth animation with great sound and music.

The way this ani was realized, is at least a Pros work! If there a more parts to come, put them together and make a full scale animated movie out of it.

To all others out there, take ur time and download this file - even though its pretty big - it´s worth every bit of its size.

Question: What program did u use to create this masterpiece???