Duration : 0:55

Downloads : 38751

He dances, he walks, he's got the moves... He's Mustafa Jackson...

on 26 January 2005
Love d mustafa's animation! It's indeed out'a dis world! I really wish you well because you are on the road to success.
Love d mustafa's animation! It's indeed out'a dis world! I really wish you well because you are on the road to success.
on 30 April 2004
Ay, I am just uploading your work, ..
But it makes me happy to see works from my homecountry.. I love turkey...
Keep workin, cemre.....
Ay, I am just uploading your work, ..
But it makes me happy to see works from my homecountry.. I love turkey...
Keep workin, cemre.....
on 15 October 2002
I would love to see this animation, with the character as Michael Jackson. I think the animation is incredible, and would work great in an MJ video as just graphics rather than film. Well done. I think MJ would be very fascinated too. You should try to send it to his production company as they do hire freelance designers, such as for the video in Earth song, and more recently the charity concert in Washington DC. Hope this helps. If you have success, please let me know!
I would love to see this animation, with the character as Michael Jackson. I think the animation is incredible, and would work great in an MJ video as just graphics rather than film. Well done. I think MJ would be very fascinated too. You should try to send it to his production company as they do hire freelance designers, such as for the video in Earth song, and more recently the charity concert in Washington DC. Hope this helps. If you have success, please let me know!
on 11 March 2002
Tebrik ederim. Çok güzel bir çalışma. Yenilerini bekliyoruz.
Tebrik ederim. Çok güzel bir çalışma. Yenilerini bekliyoruz.
on 3 March 2002
Dreggan some people do try to spot problems in some films for both research and education. You might have a different opinion but by posting ignorant derrogatory comments isn't a smart way of expressing it. Your right though, your comments sure have told me a lot about you.
I think the artist is wonderful and will acheive many great things and produce many great films. He definitely has massive potential and a strong cohesive structure to his work (specifically this film). I'm just trying to provide some critical feedback to hopefully help the author in further refining his work.
Dreggan some people do try to spot problems in some films for both research and education. You might have a different opinion but by posting ignorant derrogatory comments isn't a smart way of expressing it. Your right though, your comments sure have told me a lot about you.
I think the artist is wonderful and will acheive many great things and produce many great films. He definitely has massive potential and a strong cohesive structure to his work (specifically this film). I'm just trying to provide some critical feedback to hopefully help the author in further refining his work.
on 21 February 2002
Smooth and cooly executed. Atmosphere and lighting contributes nicely and the moves are well researched. Overall effect leaves a great and entertaining impression.
What is slightly disturbing is that people actually spend the time to try and slate this animation. It works, get over it. The comments say more about the critic than the artist.
Keep em coming!
Smooth and cooly executed. Atmosphere and lighting contributes nicely and the moves are well researched. Overall effect leaves a great and entertaining impression.
What is slightly disturbing is that people actually spend the time to try and slate this animation. It works, get over it. The comments say more about the critic than the artist.
Keep em coming!
on 16 February 2002
Hey Deluxepaint I really appreciate the effort and all the work you put into it. But I have to be honest it just doesn't compare to other work. This is totally not meant as an insult or anything against you, its just an unobjective third person point of view. If I didn't really care or I didn't want you to improve your work I could have just said it was a good effort and thats it.
Hey Deluxepaint I really appreciate the effort and all the work you put into it. But I have to be honest it just doesn't compare to other work. This is totally not meant as an insult or anything against you, its just an unobjective third person point of view. If I didn't really care or I didn't want you to improve your work I could have just said it was a good effort and thats it.
on 14 February 2002
amazing :)
amazing :)
on 14 February 2002
thanks for the all comments everbody.
Mandelbrot, you are definitely right, there is a lip-synching problem here. but think was MJ doesnt gonna sing a song. He is just a dancer. but you right, some scenes he is looks like a singer..
TekunoRobby, thanks for the comment, but i don't think so.
Cemre Ozkurt
thanks for the all comments everbody.
Mandelbrot, you are definitely right, there is a lip-synching problem here. but think was MJ doesnt gonna sing a song. He is just a dancer. but you right, some scenes he is looks like a singer..
TekunoRobby, thanks for the comment, but i don't think so.
Cemre Ozkurt
on 14 February 2002
Not bad... Different...
Not bad... Different...
on 8 February 2002
I really didn't like it. I appreciate all the effort and hard work the artist did, its just not a good combination of ideas. Personally I disliked the character model itself, yes its outlandish and a bit creative, its just not a very well designed character. The movement itself is very jerky and substandard. It didn't seem very natural and the pacing of it was way off. Overall this was an extremely average production with some creativity but overall falls flat due to poor character design, unnatural animation, and a completely overdone idea.
I really didn't like it. I appreciate all the effort and hard work the artist did, its just not a good combination of ideas. Personally I disliked the character model itself, yes its outlandish and a bit creative, its just not a very well designed character. The movement itself is very jerky and substandard. It didn't seem very natural and the pacing of it was way off. Overall this was an extremely average production with some creativity but overall falls flat due to poor character design, unnatural animation, and a completely overdone idea.
on 2 February 2002
The dancing is pretty descent, the weight of the character is well distributed (apart for during the balancing trick obviously).
A couple of glitches disturbed me though, when he does that leg trick before running to the mic, his waist area is stationary, Michael himself would never manage such a trick, it occurs in other parts of the choreography as well. A think that really seriously disturbed me as well is that you tried doing some lip-synching, you should have either let his lips closed, or make the lip-synching perfect.
I like it though, I just think there are many things you could sort out before uploading your work.
The dancing is pretty descent, the weight of the character is well distributed (apart for during the balancing trick obviously).
A couple of glitches disturbed me though, when he does that leg trick before running to the mic, his waist area is stationary, Michael himself would never manage such a trick, it occurs in other parts of the choreography as well. A think that really seriously disturbed me as well is that you tried doing some lip-synching, you should have either let his lips closed, or make the lip-synching perfect.
I like it though, I just think there are many things you could sort out before uploading your work.
on 24 January 2002
on 21 January 2002
Yeah , very beautiful animation,
moves and lightning is very good :)
good work Cemre Ozturk.
hope u'll make longer movies :)
Eline koluna saglik cok guzel bir calısma .
Yeah , very beautiful animation,
moves and lightning is very good :)
good work Cemre Ozturk.
hope u'll make longer movies :)
Eline koluna saglik cok guzel bir calısma .
on 16 January 2002
yes... good work.. i congratulate Cemre Ozkurt.we are waiting for new ones
yes... good work.. i congratulate Cemre Ozkurt.we are waiting for new ones
on 12 January 2002
awesome moves, very cool.
awesome moves, very cool.
on 12 January 2002
This is an AMAZING piece of work. Really, astounding.
This is an AMAZING piece of work. Really, astounding.