The One
4.02/5 (160 votes)
Duration : 2:20
Downloads : 12888
Uploaded on 12/11/01
The new action movie featuring Jet Li.
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on 19 April 2006
Jet Lee, The super action hero
Jet Lee, The super action hero
on 7 January 2002
on 3 December 2001
Seems like a remake of the Matrix, is it done by the same guyes? I would imagine so... well I would like seeing something new out there, been there done that I'm afraid!
Seems like a remake of the Matrix, is it done by the same guyes? I would imagine so... well I would like seeing something new out there, been there done that I'm afraid!
on 26 November 2001
李连杰(Jet Li)
好功夫(Good GongFu)
李连杰(Jet Li)
好功夫(Good GongFu)
on 13 November 2001
This movie rocks!!! I saw it opening day, it really IS better than the Matrix!!! I love seeing the trailer alone, the special effects are so incredible and Jet Li is the greatest fighter ever!!!
This movie rocks!!! I saw it opening day, it really IS better than the Matrix!!! I love seeing the trailer alone, the special effects are so incredible and Jet Li is the greatest fighter ever!!!