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The new trailer for the upcoming Steven Spielberg movie : Artificial Intelligence
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Alexander on 14 September 2008
I say 3 things:
`This movie gives amazing inspiration to me.
`Steven Spielberg makes good films.
`Anyone should see this movie.
Sandman on 2 September 2002
similarity to pinoccio? whats wrong with pinoccio? pinoccio was a beautiful fairytale...this film starts in a future "reality", then as david persues a fairytale about a little wooden boy becoming real, david's story becomes a fairytale aswell....YES it's a "pinnochio flick," and anyone with culture and apreciation for wonderful stories and is smart enough to understand a film's true meaning will feel proud to call AI a "pinnochio flick"
Minos on 11 May 2001
Let me tell all of you, this is no Pinnochio flick, that is only one small storyline to a much larger prepared...Jeannine Salla is watching...
voxxer on 29 April 2001
I've wanted to see this since I first heard about it..
This trailer made me realize the similarity to pinoccio..
I'm gonna see it anyway.. :)