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3.77/5 (95 votes)
Downloads : 6481
donwloadUploaded on 1/4/01
I do not really know what this is about : it looks like a game but can be seen as a short (I'm not fluent in Corean ;)) but this intro is much impressive !!
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Zaphar on 1 May 2002
You have to love the guy talking
Ludicris on 28 May 2001
I dont think this movie has a plot. In my opinion it is an advertisement for the gaming site. Very good though, action sequences are pretty cool.
powerstation on 16 May 2001
It's x2online homepage.
Voxxer on 15 April 2001
Characters were Great!
Movement were Great!
Sounds were Great!
Enviorment was Great
(have I missed something?)
The story...
I'll let everyone make up their on view of this story (beacause it's tricky)
...but I think I got part of it...
JdijiTL on 11 April 2001
I understood it, and thought it was great!
thomas_4d on 3 April 2001
i do not understand this film ???!?!?!
looks good, but what's going on ?